Life at Winslow Cohousing
Meal General Meeting


Community meals are offered five nights a week: Sunday through Thursday. Participation is optional and on a scheduled basis, but all who wish to eat take turns either cooking or cleaning. Whether coming home from work or getting out of the house, common meals are a welcome break from the every-day dinner planning, shopping, cooking and cleaning routine.


We have our general meeting for business, alternating between the second Saturday and second Sunday of each month (except for some holiday schedule changes). We make decisions by consensus and rotate meeting facilitation through the group. We are self-managed for most tasks, and work several hours a month in one of five clusters or areas: Administration, Process and Communication, Grounds, Maintenance, and Common Facilities. In addition, everyone is expected to take a turn on a rotational basis in picking up and cleaning the common house on a Saturday morning. Since we are a cooperative housing corporation, we also have a board of trustees that meets regularly and on which every member is encouraged to take a turn. Find Out More: Our Self-Management System.


As a cooperative housing corporation, members own shares in the corporation and have a proprietary lease for a specific home. Besides a home, you also have a share in ownership of the Common House, the grounds, and other common facilities.